Monday, March 22, 2010

Restaurant City: No Need For Janitors

I've discovered something new on the addictive Facebook app known as Restaurant City. Well, it's new to me, as I'm sure it's new to a hundred or so other new fans and users of PlayFish's baby. What I'm talking about is the ability of players to clean any part of their restaurants with a click of a mouse button.

Like I said, old news for most Restaurant City fanatics, considering the feature was built into the application way back. What's new, however, is the fact that you can now do away with a janitor—that is, if you're actively playing by managing your virtual restaurant. Say goodbye to wasting manpower to unclog toilets!

Isn't that the reason why PlayFish included the janitor job in Restaurant City's staff assignments? That may be true, and it is still practical to assign one member of the restaurant staff as a janitor, but only if you're planning to spend several hours away from the keyboard.

Man, to think I wasted my entire play time yesterday switching staff assignments to accommodate the maintenance of clogged toilets! Good thing I discovered the Restaurant City feature that greatly helped me regain popularity and much-needed gourmet points.

Don't know what the hell I'm talking about? Here are a couple of Restaurant City screenshots to help you visualize:

Clogged Toilet. In this screenie, you can see that one of the restaurant's toilets is clogged. To clean up the mess, simply hover the cursor over the errant toilet and then click on it.

With Just One Click. Upon clicking on the wayward crapper, a timer will appear and countdown the time until the loo is clean.

Clean More Toilets. If the other toilet gets clogged while you're in the process of cleaning one, don't fret, just repeat the process.

Yup, it's as simple as that, and naturally you can also do this to the trash that your Restaurant City patrons dump in your joint from time to time.


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